Sunday, May 2, 2010

My first trip to the countryside

My first trip to the countryside in Lavinia the danube blue Citroen DS was a bit of an emergency dash. Because of a paper work issue I had to take her down to Northern New South Wales to get safety checked. I decided to use my mate Tony's mechanic Fred who is based in Federal and was sure to pass her without trouble, which he did.

I have been hearing stories from friends in the Northern Rivers region of lemons of various types growing abundantly and often going to waste. After visiting the Rosebank Coop where my friend Rowena works her magic with baked goods and high level organisational skills, I decided it would be worthwhile to consider asking her/coop to preserve the lemons when the season comes around. This, I think, is an elegant solution and can only serve to engage the local community around the coop and beyond, which is precisely what Rowena is all about.

I can't sign off on this post till I've told you about the farm. Tony and the family have been looking after it well, planting new citrus, davidson plums, and an assortment of other orchard trees. Tony has nearly finished his house which I will show in a later post. He is constantly improving the property with new fences and removing the pesky camphor laurels. The place was gorgeous as always, very green (as you can see above) and never overgrown or over tended.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful car in such an amazing looking are soooo lucky!
